execute cycle

英 [ˈeksɪkjuːt ˈsaɪkl] 美 [ˈeksɪkjuːt ˈsaɪkl]

网络  执行周期



  1. The faces context wraps information about application resources that the faces servlet will later require to execute the JSF life cycle.
  2. Note that the part life cycle scripts execute before all the role life cycle scripts ( see Figure 6).
  3. The execute() method handles all phases of the JSF request processing life cycle, except the last one ( named Render Response), which is executed by the render() method.
  4. If you are more familiar with the edit, build, execute cycle, this might seem simplistic.
  5. When a request is made to retrieve a server-side component or execute one of its exposed methods, that component must be visible within the scope of the remoting life cycle.
  6. Does the player execute the movement cycle effectively?
  7. Unlike CISC processors, RISC engines generally execute each instruction in a single clock cycle, which typically results in faster execution than on a CISC processor with the same clock speed.
  8. The CPU will execute a NOP in the cycle immediately following the instruction which clears the GIE bit.
  9. It is suggested, therefore, when selecting location outside the local province, the firm should highly concern the key factors in macro environment, identify main competitors and execute corresponding marketing strategies on the basis of product life cycle and target customer groups.
  10. TTA architecture can achieve maximum parallel instruction set and be able to execute multiple instructions in one cycle, so the TTA architecture is very suitable for data-intensive computing tasks.